Although several studies have indicated a paternal effect on bovine embryo development, no conclusive data exist on the effect of in vivo bull fertility on apoptosis. Therefore, it was the main objective of this study to compare the apoptotic cell ratio (ACR) in embryos originating from bulls with different in vivo fertility. However, since it is has been demonstrated before that bulls with different in vivo fertility differ in timing of first cleavage, it was necessary to investigate first the effect of timing of development on apoptosis in vitro in order to get an unbiased insight in the contribution of in vivo bull fertility on apoptosis in bovine blastocysts. In the first experiment, bovine embryos (n = 939) were allocated to different groups according to cleavage rate at 30, 36 and 48 hpi and blastocysts were selected at 7 and 8 dpi. The blastocyst rate at 7 dpi was significantly lower in embryos which had first cleaved at 48 hpi than in embryos from the 30 and 36 hpi group (P < 0.05). The ACR after TUNEL in day 7 blastocyst was significantly lower in the 30 hpi group in comparison with the 36 and 48 hpi group (P < 0.05) and lower in day 7 blastocysts than in day 8 blastocysts. In the second experiment, sperm of eight bulls with different non return rates was used for in vitro bovine embryo production (n = 3820 oocytes). Cleavage rates (30, 36 and 48 hpi) and blastocyst rate (7 dpi) were determined. Only very low negative correlations could be found between in vivo and in vitro bull fertility and ACR did not differ between groups derived from sires with either low or normal fertility (P > 0.05). Further research in serum free conditions is needed to confirm that the lower ACR in early cleaved embryos could be mediated by the cooperative interaction of embryos of good quality cultured in group. In vivo bull fertility could hardly be correlated with in vitro blastocyst yield and could not be correlated with appearance of apoptosis.