We have described a new class of live attenuated salmonella vaccines harbouring lesions in htrA, a stress protein gene previously. The virulence and invasiveness of Salmonella htrA mutants was investigated in three models of increased susceptibility to Salmonella infection. These included BALB/c mice, either given sublethal whole body irradiation (350 R) or administered rabbit anti-TNF alpha antiserum, and (CBA/NfemaleXBALB/cmale)F1 male mice which express the xid sex-linked B cell defect of CBA/N mice and are more susceptible to salmonellae than female littermates. Salmonella typhimurium htrA mutants derived from virulent strains, C5046 (C5 htrA::TnphoA) and BRD726 (SL1344 delta htrA) were not more invasive in immunosuppressed mice than in normal controls in the three mouse models of defective immunity. The results indicate that susceptibility to S. typhimurium htrA vaccines derived from virulent parents is not enhanced by conditions of impaired resistance to infection.