Six HIV-positive antiretroviral experienced patients initiating therapy with a regimen including lopinavir/ritonavir (400/100 mg twice per day) and indinavir (800 mg twice per day) underwent steady-state pharmacokinetic analysis. The AUC0-12 h of indinavir when combined with lopinavir/ritonavir was comparable with previously published data on indinavir/ritonavir 800/100 mg twice per day in HIV-infected individuals. However, lopinavir AUC0-12 h, Cmax, and C12 h were lower than previously reported in the absence of indinavir. The regimen was well tolerated, although 2 patients developed grade 3 hypertriglyceridemia. No patient discontinued the regimen because of indinavir-related urologic or retinoid-type adverse effects. Further study of the regimen with larger cohorts of patients is necessary.