Objectives: To assess knowledge, attitudes and practices towards hepatitis C of primary care physicians (PCPs) working in a Southern Italian area.
Methods: A questionnaire exploring the basic knowledge on risk factors and the management of hepatitis C virus infection was administered in two occasions to a sample of PCPs before and 2 months later the presentation of the EASL guidelines on the management of HCV infection.
Results: At the first survey, drug addiction, transfusion in 1982 and sexual contact with multiple partners were listed as the most common risk factors for acquiring HCV infection. As many as 27% of PCPs believed that blood transfusion after 1994 was still an important risk factor for this infection. Only 38% of PCPs would refer HCV positive subject with abnormal ALT levels to a gastroenterologist. Some points showed a definite improvement when first and second survey were compared: the more frequent use of qualitative instead of quantitative HCV-RNA testing for diagnostic purpose and the selection of IFN plus ribavirin as the regimen of choice for active disease.
Conclusions: The general practice management of hepatitis C may be improved using educational activities involving directly and interactively PCPs.