Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma (SMZL), with or without villous lymphocytes (VL+/-), is a low-grade lymphoproliferative disorder with constant involvement of the bone marrow (BM). Different BM infiltration patterns, mainly intra-sinusoidal, interstitial and nodular, have been described. Adhesion molecules (AMs) constitute a heterogeneous group of antigenic receptors playing a major role in leukocyte recruitment, in lymphocyte homing and in cellular-mediated immune response. Evolution and pattern of the BM infiltrate could be influenced by a variable expression of AM on SMZL lymphocytes. The degree and pattern of BM infiltration and the immunohistochemical expression of AM (H-CAM, BL-CAM, L-selectin, PSGL-1, E-selectin, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and Beta-1 integrin) among the different infiltration patterns were evaluated in BM biopsies of 38 patients with SMZL and graded according to a semi-quantitative score ranging from 0-4 and based on the percentage of positive cells. An intra-sinusoidal infiltration was constantly observed, alone or in conjunction with other patterns. H-CAM and BL-CAM showed a moderate-to-high degree of positivity in the intra-sinusoidal infiltrate (median expression grade-3) and were expressed in the neoplastic lymphocytes independently from the pattern. PSGL-1 was mostly expressed in the perisinusoidal region and in case of interstitial infiltration (grade-2). ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 were selectively expressed in the nodules as a reticular meshwork located in the core region (grade-2); VCAM-1 was also expressed in the perinodular endothelia. E-selectin, L-selectin and beta-1 integrin proved constantly negative. These data suggest that different expression of AM can influence the modality of BM infiltration in SMZL.