A left to right shunt increases myocardial work and is often accompanied by increased catecholamine levels. Because both increased myocardial work and increased catecholamine levels may induce increased fatty acid utilization, which could increase resting myocardial oxygen consumption and therefore unfavorably affect coronary reserve, we studied myocardial uptake of glucose, pyruvate, lactate, beta-OH-butyrate, acetoacetate, FFA, and triglycerides in 12 7-wk-old lambs with aortopulmonary left to right shunts (58 +/- 2% of left ventricular output, mean +/- SEM) and in 10 control lambs 2 wk after surgery. Despite the shunt, systemic blood flow in the shunt lambs was maintained at the same level as in the control lambs. This was accomplished by an increased heart rate and stroke volume. Furthermore, the shunt was accompanied by an increased myocardial oxygen consumption in the shunt lambs (834 +/- 70 versus 528 +/- 43 mumol O2.min-1 x 100 g-1; p less than 0.05). There were no significant differences in arterial substrate concentrations between the two groups. The same was true for arteriovenous differences across the myocardium, with the exception of lactate, which was substantially higher in shunt than in control lambs (72 +/- 25 versus 18 +/- 23 mumol/L; p less than 0.05). As a consequence, myocardial lactate uptake in the shunt lambs was increased 15-fold (18 +/- 6 versus 1 +/- 2 mumol.min-1 x 100 g-1; p less than 0.02), whereas uptake of the other substrates merely paralleled the increased myocardial blood flow.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)