Sildenafil citrate is the first oral treatment for erectile dysfunction. Its oral bioavailability is about 40%. This research investigated the intestinal transport parameters of sildenafil citrate in rabbit using an in situ intestinal perfusion technique. This was studied in four different anatomical sites, namely duodenum, jejunoileum, ascending colon and rectum. The results revealed the highest absorptive clearance in the jejunoileum. The values of the permeability area product normalized to segment length (ml/ were 0.0101, 0.0063, 0.0059 and 0.0023 and those of the percentage absorbed were 68.0, 32.3, 23.0 and 5.0 in jejunoileum, duodenum, ascending colon and rectum, respectively. The values of the length (cm) required for complete absorption were 87.6, 137, 153 and 384 for each anatomical site in the same order. The absorptive clearance did not correlate with the net water flux in the four anatomical regions studied, indicating a mainly passive diffusion mechanism through a transcellular pathway. The plasma sildenafil concentrations achieved during intestinal perfusion experiments and sildenafil total body clearance in the rabbit were used to calculate the fraction of sildenafil that reached the systemic circulation relative to the amount that disappeared from the intestinal segment. Only 34% of sildenafil that disappeared from the intestinal segment appeared in the systemic circulation indicating that the presystemic elimination of sildenafil is 66%. These results confirm that the incomplete bioavailability of sildenafil is mainly due presystemic elimination.
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.