We used the EM algorithm in the context of a joint Poisson regression analysis of cancer and non-cancer mortality in the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) Life Span Study (LSS) to assess whether the observed increased risk of non-cancer death due to radiation exposure (Shimizu et al., RERF Technical Report 02-91, 1991) can be attributed solely to misclassification of cancer as non-cancer on death certificates. We show that greater levels of dose-independent misclassification than are indicated by a series of autopsies conducted on a subset of LSS members would be required to explain the non-cancer dose response, but that a relatively small amount of dose-dependence in the misclassification of cancer would explain the result. The adjustment for misclassification also results in higher risk estimates for cancer mortality. We review applications of similar statistical methods in other contexts and discuss extensions of the methods to more than two causes of death.