Background: Primary nonfunction (PNF) after liver transplantation is fatal without timely retransplantation. PNF has been associated with many risk factors, but the etiology remains unknown in most cases. Using electron microscopy, we examined the hepatic ultrastructure of donor allografts in patients experiencing PNF and compared the findings with a well-matched group of other donor allografts.
Materials and methods: Archival paraffin-embedded pre- and post-reperfusion donor liver biopsies were examined by electron microscopy in 10 patients with PNF and in 10 controls, matched by donor age +/- 5 years, gender, cold ischemic time +/- 1 hour, and donor cause of death. Mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, sinusoidal endothelial cells, and the glycogen content of the cells were assessed. The donors' serum peak transaminases, bilirubin and sodium levels, as well as the recipient age and serum creatinine were compared.
Results: There were no significant differences in recipient age at the time of transplantation, peak recipient serum creatinine, donor peak serum transaminase, sodium or bilirubin levels. In all cases, the endoplasmic reticulum and sinusoidal endothelial cells were ultrastructurally normal. Hepatocytes had variable degrees of glycogen pooling. Hepatic steatosis and intramitochondrial inclusions cells were present in 5/10 PNF compared to 0/10 controls patients on preperfusion liver biopsy (P = .17).
Conclusion: Liver allografts from patients suffering from PNF can have mitochondrial ultrastructural changes on preperfusion biopsies.