The discovery of safe and effective therapies for perinatal hypoxia ischemia (HI) and stroke remains an unmet goal of neonatal-perinatal medicine. Because of the many developmental and functional differences between the neonatal brain and the adult brain, the ability to extrapolate adult data to the neonatal condition is very limited. For this reason, it is incumbent on scientists in the field of neonatal brain injury to address the questions of therapeutic efficacy of an array of potential therapies in a developmentally appropriate model. Toward that end, a number of new models of neonatal HI and stroke have been introduced recently. Additionally, some of the established models have been adapted to different species and different ages, giving scientists a greater choice of models for the study of neonatal HI and stroke. Many of these models are now also being used for functional and behavioral testing, an absolute necessity for preclinical therapeutic trials. This review focuses primarily on the newly developed models, recent adaptations to established models, and the studies of functional outcome that have been published since 2000.