Background: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between patterns of temperament and character and self-reported psychopathology in adolescents from the community.
Sampling and methods: The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI) and Youth Self-Report (YSR) instruments were administered to 623 Korean middle school students (boys/girls = 331/292; age = 13.3 +/- 0.9 years old). Multiple linear regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationship between temperament and character based on Cloninger's biogenetic theory of personality and youth psychopathology of internalizing and externalizing problems.
Results: Internalizing problems of the YSR (withdrawn, somatic complaint and anxious/depressed scales) were significantly related to high Harm Avoidance and low Reward Dependence (JTCI temperament) and low Self-Directedness and high Self-Transcendence (JTCI character). Externalizing problems of the YSR (delinquency and aggression) were significantly associated with high Novelty Seeking and high Harm Avoidance (JTCI temperament) and low Self-Directedness, low Cooperativeness and high Self-Transcendence (JTCI character).
Conclusions: Findings of the current study suggest that specific patterns of temperament and character potentially influence adolescents' psychopathology in the community.