T cell recognition of peptide/allogeneic MHC complexes is a major cause of transplant rejection. Both the presented self-peptides and the MHC molecules are involved; however, the molecular basis for alloreactivity and the contribution of self-peptides are still poorly defined. The murine 2.102 T cell is specific for hemoglobin(64-76)/I-Ek and is alloreactive to I-Ep. The natural self-peptide/I-Ep complex recognized by 2.102 remains unknown. In this study, we characterized the peptides that are naturally processed and presented by I-Ep and used this information to define the binding motif for the murine I-Ep class II molecule. Interestingly, we found that the P9 anchor residue preferred by I-Ep is quite distinct from the residues preferred by other I-E molecules, although the P1 anchor residue is conserved. A degree of specificity for the alloresponse was shown by the lack of stimulation of 2.102 T cells by 19 different identified self-peptides. The binding motif was used to search the mouse genome for candidate 2.102 reactive allopeptides that contain strong P1 and P9 anchor residues and possess previously identified allowable TCR contact residues. Two potential allopeptides were identified, but only one of these peptides, G protein-coupled receptor 128, was able to stimulate 2.102 T cells. Thus, the G protein-coupled receptor 128 peptide represents a candidate allopeptide that is specifically recognized by 2.102 T cells bound to I-Ep and was identified using bioinformatics. These studies highlight the specific involvement of self-peptides in alloreactivity.