Summary: ANDY (seArch coordination aND analYsis) is a set of Perl programs and modules for distributing large biological database searches, and in general any sequence of commands, across the nodes of a Linux computer cluster. ANDY is compatible with several commonly used distributed resource management (DRM) systems, and it can be easily extended to new DRMs. A distinctive feature of ANDY is the choice of either dedicated or fair-use operation: ANDY is almost as efficient as single-purpose tools that require a dedicated cluster, but it runs on a general-purpose cluster along with any other jobs scheduled by a DRM. Other features include communication through named pipes for performance, flexible customizable routines for error-checking and summarizing results, and multiple fault-tolerance mechanisms.
Availability: ANDY is freely available and can be obtained from
Supplementary information: Supplemental data, figures, and a more detailed overview of the software are found at