The authors review the present situation in epidemiology and prevention of arterial hypertension in Poland. In 2002, the NATPOL PLUS survey on representative sample of adults (n=3051, age range 18-93) was conducted. Prevalence of hypertension, diagnosed on basis of three separate visits, was 29%, awareness 67% and efficacy of treatment 12.5%. Thus, in Poland, one-third of 8.6 million hypertensives are unaware of their disease. A comparison with data from other countries should be careful due to the different methods (age range, number of readings and visits) used in the studies. The data, in concert with a decrease in awareness of one's own blood pressure (from 71% in 1994 to 59% in 2002), called for urgent preventive measures. Two large interventions were implemented under the National Programme POLKARD in 2003: the Polish 400 Cities Project aimed to increase detection and knowledge of hypertension and other risk factors among small-town and village communities, and the educational project, A Chance for the Young Heart targeted at children aged 11-14 years and using traditional teaching methods and an interactive Internet website. Also, an educational and marketing programme targeted at public opinion leaders and decision makers (trade unions, local governments, healthcare financing authorities, print media and radio, the Polish Parliament) started in 1999 and is still in process.