The present study was sought to assess the relative use of eight biomarkers for the detection of bone metastases in cancer forms frequently spreading to the skeleton. Participants were 161 patients with either breast, prostate, or lung cancer. The presence and extent of bone metastases was assessed by imaging techniques (computer tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging) and Technetium-99m scintigraphy. Serum or urinary level of the bone resorption markers (alphaalphaCTX, betabetaCTX, NTX, and ICTP), formation marker (BSAP), and osteoclastogenesis markers (osteoprotegerin, RANKL, and TRAP5b) was measured by commercially available immunoassays. When assessed on a group basis, all biomarkers, except for osteoprotegerin and RANKL, were significantly elevated in patients compared with those without bone metastases (P<0.05). Biomarkers had greater diagnostic value in breast and prostate cancer patients, yet alphaalphaCTX, NTx, and ICTP were able to discriminate lung cancer patients with or without bone metastases (P<0.05). Strong linear associations were seen between the extent of skeletal infiltration and levels of the different biomarkers, except for osteoprotegerin and RANKL. Furthermore, all biomarkers (except for osteoprotegerin and RANKL) were indicative at the early stage of skeletal involvement (one to five metastases). When expressing sensitivity as the percentage increase in biomarker level relative to patients without bone metastases, alphaalphaCTX showed the largest relative increases at each stage of the metastatic disease. These results suggest that closer monitoring of cancer patients with serial measures of biomarkers might facilitate the timely diagnosis of skeletal metastases.
(Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006;15(1)32-8).