Usually head and neck cancer is treated with combined therapy, applying surgery, if possible, and then radiotherapy and chemotherapy in a sequential or concomitant way. Sequential approach seems to be preferred, because of the high toxicity rate of concomitant therapy. Platinum compounds and 5-fluorouracil are the standard drugs, but new drugs are entering therapeutic arena: gemcitabine and taxanes are the most promising ones. The efficacy of these drugs, especially in association with radiotherapy, must be assessed; moreover it is essential to ascertain how to associate these drugs to radiotherapy and to evaluate drug toxicity when combined with the latter. End point of the study here presented is a preliminar assessment of toxicity and feasibility of concurrent radio-chemoterapy with docetaxel and cisplatinum in patients with head and neck cancer. The number of enrolled patients and the relatively short time of follow up do not allow to evaluate treatment efficacy.