A recombinant adenovirus system has been designed that confers glucocorticoid responsiveness upon infected cells in culture. Two mutually dependent viruses are required: a trans-activator virus containing the human glucocorticoid receptor transcription unit and a second receptor virus harboring a glucocorticoid response element linked to the firefly luciferase gene. Another reciprocal pair of viruses has been generated; one member expresses the rat thyroid hormone receptor alpha, while the other contains the luciferase gene regulated by a thyroid hormone-responsive DNA element. Corticosteroid- or thyroid hormone-induced transcription can be efficiently and accurately quantitated from cells coinfected with the appropriate complementary virus pair 20 h after infection in 96-well microtiter plates. This coinfection assay offers a convenient way to measure transcriptional activation by nuclear receptors and has certain key advantages over the commonly used cotransfection method. Its sensitivity and precision make it a practical approach to rapidly identify substances extracted from complex biological samples activating candidate "orphan" nuclear receptor molecules.