Long-term depositions of animal manures affect P dynamics in soils and can pose environmental risks associated with P losses. Laboratory studies were done on P solubility characteristics in a manure-impacted Immokalee soil (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquod) and the effectiveness of water treatment residual (WTR) in controlling P leaching. Soil samples with contrasting initial total P concentrations were prepared by mixing samples of a manure-impacted surface A horizon and a minimally P-impacted E horizon. Effects of mixing various ratios of A and E horizons, WTR rates (0, 25, 50, and 100 g kg(-1)), and depths of WTR incorporation (mixed throughout the soil column or partially incorporated) on P leaching were determined. Between 62 and 77% of total P was released from the soil mixes by successive water extractions, suggesting a considerable buffering capacity of this manure-impacted soil to resupply P into solution. Between 224 and 408 mg kg(-1) P were leached during the 36-wk leaching period in the absence of WTR. Mixing WTRs with soil reduced soluble P concentration in leachates by as much as 99.8% compared with samples without WTR. Thoroughly mixing WTR with the entire soil column (15 cm) was much more efficient than mixing WTR with only the top 7.5 cm of soil. Calcium- and Mg-P forms appear to control P release in soils without WTR, whereas sorption-desorption reactions probably determine P leaching in WTR-treated samples. Soil P distribution in various chemical forms was affected by WTR additions. Data suggest that WTR-immobilized P is stable in the long term.