We have characterized the biocompatibility of nanostructured TiO2 films produced by the deposition of a supersonic beam of TiOx clusters. Physical analysis shows that these films possess, at the nanoscale, a granularity and porosity mimicking those of typical extracellular matrix structures and adsorption properties that could allow surface functionalization with different macromolecules such as DNA, proteins, and peptides. To explore the biocompatibility of this novel nanostructured surface, different cancer and primary cells were analyzed in terms of morphological appearance (by bright field microscopy and immunofluorescence) and growth properties, with the aim to evaluate cluster-assembled TiO2 films as substrates for cell-based and tissue-based applications. Our results strongly suggest that this new biomaterial supports normal growth and adhesion of primary and cancer cells with no need for coating with ECM proteins; we thus propose this new material as an optimal substrate for different applications in cell-based assays, biosensors or microfabricated medical devices.