We have identified the membrane-active regions of the full sequences of the HCV E1 and E2 envelope glycoproteins by performing an exhaustive study of membrane leakage, hemifusion, and fusion induced by 18-mer peptide libraries on model membranes having different phospholipid compositions. The data and their comparison have led us to identify different E1 and E2 membrane-active segments which might be implicated in viral membrane fusion, membrane interaction, and/or protein-protein binding. Moreover, it has permitted us to suggest that the fusion peptide might be located in the E1 glycoprotein and, more specifically, the segment comprised by amino acid residues 265-296. The identification of these membrane-active segments from the E1 and E2 envelope glycoproteins, as well as their membranotropic propensity, supports their direct role in HCV-mediated membrane fusion, sustains the notion that different segments provide the driving force for the merging of the viral and target cell membranes, and defines those segments as attractive targets for further development of new antiviral compounds.