The chamois of Abruzzi (Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata) has been classified as endangered by the World Union for Conservation. The objective of this study was to analyze seasonal differences in the characteristics of various male reproductive organs and in semen quality. The study was conduced during 2004 in the reserve of Lama dei Peligni (Italy) on three chamois males aged between 2 and 5 years. Males were captured during March-May months and October-December months. Various testicular and scrotal measurements were taken and semen was collected using an electroejaculator. Sperm motility pattern was evaluated using computer assisted sperm analyzer, membrane integrity using differential staining and morphology with phase contrast microscopy. Testicular size, sperm motility membrane integrity and the percent of morphological normal spermatozoa were greater during October-December. The authors concluded that sperm characteristics are strongly influenced by season and that semen collected in this period (breeding season) has suitable quality for manipulation and long-term preservation.