Objectives: A retrospective review of primary chemoradiotherapy (CRT) for adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) was performed to determine if CRT might be considered as an alternative to radiotherapy and/or definitive surgery.
Methods: All treatment-naive patients with ACC of the head and neck who were treated with definitive primary chemoradiotherapy using carboplatinum and paclitaxel at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in 2000 through 2004 were identified. Information on site, stage, presenting symptoms, performance status, treatment, toxicity, and follow up were collected and tabulated for review.
Results: Five patients were identified with previously untreated ACC of the head and neck who received primary carboplatinum/paclitaxel CRT for unresectability or organ preservation. Patients had a median age of 41, 4 had primaries in the paranasal sinuses invading the base of skull and 1 had a transglottic laryngeal lesion. All patients completed a course of definitive chemoradiotherapy without treatment break. Grade 3 mucosal reactions developed during CRT in all patients. With a median follow-up of 36 months (range, 20-43) all patients have local regional control; 1 patient developed distant metastases at 7 months and is alive at 20 months.
Conclusions: Preliminary data suggest that carboplatinum/paclitaxel based CRT for ACC provides local regional control and is a potential alternative to surgery or radiotherapy for patients with locally advanced ACC. Carboplatinum/paclitaxel based CRT warrants further study.