Aim: To investigate the hyperplastic and/or dysplastic lesions in the gallbladder mucosa.
Methods: We used the immunohistochemical Ardeleanu-Hsu-Bussolati and Gugliotta methods, with avidin and peroxide biotin, adapted in the laboratory of University Hospital "St. Spiridon" Iaşi. There were studied ten cases of polypoid cholelithiasis, with the following markers: Ki67, PCNA, and p53.
Results: The immunohistochemical methods using Ki67, PCNA and p53 protein allowed the evaluation of the abnormal proliferation abilities characteristic for some hyperplastic or dysplastic lesions, found in our cases of cholelithiasis.
Conclusions: The utilization of these markers permitted us to establish a good correlation between the high activity of Ki67 and the morphological aggression indicators in hyperplastic and dysplastic gallbladder epithelium. There is also a correlation between the percentage of the cells marked with anti-PCNA antibody and the existence of p53 protein in these lesions.