Mini-myoglobin, obtained by limited proteolysis of horse heart myoglobin (residues 32 to 139), represents a good model for testing the correlation between an exon and a protein domain. We have shown that ligand binding kinetics, spectral and folding features of mini-myoglobin are very similar to those of native myoglobin. In order to develop further the analysis of the structure-function relationship in this mini-protein, mini-globin was reconstituted with the heme moiety in which iron is replaced by cobalt. The Soret absorption spectra of oxy and deoxy cobaltous mini-myoglobin are very similar to those of cobaltous myoglobin derivatives; in addition. Co-mini-myoglobin binds oxygen reversibly with an n value approximately 1 and a p50 value of 45 to 50 mm Hg (the same as Co-myoglobin). Oxy Co-mini-myoglobin shows a well-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance (e.p.r.) spectrum typical of an oxygenated hemoprotein, while the spectrum of the deoxy derivative, although similar to that of deoxy Co-myoglobin, displays a lower resolution of the complex hyperfine structure. Moreover, photodissociation experiments on oxy Co-mini-myoglobin allow e.p.r. detection of an intermediate state, already observed in most hemoproteins and diagnostic for the interaction of bound oxygen with the distal histidine residue. Thus, reconstitution of mini-globin with cobalt protoprophyrin IX has provided, for the first time, a stable oxygenated complex that reflects a correct folding of the protein surrounding the heme pocket and possesses the functional behaviour typical of a hemoprotein.