Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of immunocytochemistry (ICC) performed on smears processed by thin-layer cytology (TLC).
Study design: During the period January 2001-September 2003, 3,573 consecutive fine needle aspiration biopsies were processed with both conventional smears (CSs) and TLC diagnosed by a single pathologist; 113 required immunocytochemical study. CSs were fixed in ethanol whereas TLC slides were processed with the ThinPrep 2000 method (Cytyc Co., Marlborough, Massachusetts, U.S.A); both were stained with Papanicolaou stain. ICC staining was carried out on only TLC slides.
Results: The 113 cytologic cases were grouped as follows: 32 thyroid nodules with 16 histologic controls (HCs), 24 lymph nodes (regardless of location) with 15 HCs, 18 liver and pancreatic lesions (3 HCs), 11 lung nodules (6 HCs), 5 kidney and adrenal gland lesions (1 HC), 6 abdominal (2 HCs) and 4 mediastinal masses (1 HC), 6 salivary gland tumors (3 HCs), 4 bone masses (2 HCs) and 3 subcutaneous lesions (1 HC). ICC contributed to the diagnosis in 104 cases (92%), whereas it was inconclusive in 9. The cytologic diagnoses were histologically confirmed in 46 of 50 cases (92%).
Conclusion: ICC can be successfully applied on TLC slides with better results than on CSs, and its yield can be useful in making the correct diagnosis on fine needle aspiration biopsy.