A glyphosate-tolerant tobacco cell line, Nicotiana tabacum L. Indiana (I7), was selected from the glyphosate-sensitive Wisconsin 38 (W38) line through a single step exposure to the herbicide. Tolerance and growth characteristics of I7 cells were the same for cells maintained for more than 1 year in the presence or absence of glyphosate. Glyphosate tolerance levels were constant through the growth cycle. Tolerance is not due to reduced uptake of glyphosate. Shikimate levels in I7 and W38 cells maintained in glyphosate-free medium were similar, whereas W38 cells accumulated 46 times more shikimate than I7 cells, when cells of both lines were exposed to the herbicide. Glyphosate treatment caused increased levels of aromatic amino acids in W38 cells and slightly lower levels in I7 cells. Specific activities of dehydroquinate synthase, shikimate dehydrogenase, and shikimate kinase were similar in the two cell types, whereas DAHP synthase and EPSP synthase specific activities were elevated in I7 cells. Plants regenerated from I7 cells retained tolerance to glyphosate.