Namaqua rock mice (Aethomys namaquensis) consume nectar xylose when visiting Protea flowers. Whole-animal metabolism studies suggest that the gastrointestinal microflora plays an important role in xylose metabolism in A. namaquensis. We collected caecal contents under anaerobic conditions, cultured caecal microflora both aerobically and anaerobically, and assessed caecal microbial xylose utilization using a (14)C-xylose incubation assay. All four mice sampled hosted culturable caecal micro-organisms that tested positive for xylose utilization. These were classified by 16S rRNA based taxonomy as: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus licheniformis, Shigella boydii, Arthrobacter sp. and members of the fungal genera Aspergillus and Penicillium. Cultures of these isolates were then analyzed by gas chromatography to determine the types and quantities of short-chain fatty acids produced by xylose fermentation. These results are discussed in the context of other studies of gut microflora in vertebrates.