Based on the study of pollen, stratum and 14C dating of Daqiao fen in Dunhua of Jilin Province, four pollen zones were distinguished, i.e., Pinus-Picea-Abies assemblage (2195 +/- 70 to appromimately 2045 +/- 70 B. P., Carex-Pinus-BetulaCorylus-Juglans assemblage (2045 +/- 70 to appromimately 1745 +/- 70 B.P.), Pinus-Corylus-Carpinus-Carex-Ranunculus assemblage (1745 +/- 70 to appromimately 705 +/- 70 B.P.), and Pinus-Picea-Abies-Betula-Carex assemblage (705 +/- 70 to appromimately 1950 AD). The vegetation changed from coniferous forest (similar to the vegetation currently foundover 1100 m a.s. 1. in this area), through conifer-broad-leaved mixed forest (similar to the vegetation currently found between 400-600 m a.s.l.) and conifer-broad-leaved mixed forest (similar to the vegetation currently found between 600-800 m a.s.l.), to conifer-broad-leaved mixed forest (similar to the vegetation currently found between 800-1100 m a.s.l.). Accordingly, Daqiao fen underwent the periods of gestation, fast development, expansion, and dieing out.