Aim: Analysis of therapy efficacy in non-bladder/prostate genitourinary sarcomas in children treated from I'1997 to VI'2003 with CWS-96 protocol in Poland.
Material and methods: 19 children (M/F: 15/4, age: 3m-17,5y; median 7,2y). Histopathology: RMS - 15pts (RME-13), non-RMS- 4.
Results: Primary site: testes - 9 patients, paratesticular region - 6, uterus - 2, vagina and ovary-1 of each. 63% presented with low stage neoplasm (I - 7, II - 5). Primary tumour exceeded 5cm and/or invaded surrounding tissues in 7 patients (37%). 3 patients had regional, 2 patients--distant lymph nodes metastases. Primary excision: complete in 7 patients, incomplete - 12 (microscopically - 5, macroscopically - 7). Six of 7 patients with macroscopic tumour residues responded to chemotherapy (CR-4, GR-2). One patient (stage III triton tumour of uterus) did not, respond but obtained complete remission after mutilating delayed surgery. No other patient required delayed tumour resection. Radiotherapy (23,5-54 Gy) was given to 8 patients. 3 children developed local relapse, 3 patients died (16%): 2 due to neoplasm progression, 1 of neutropenia-related sepsis. 16 patients are alive (84%) with mean follow-up 48 months. The only permanent complications result from mutilating surgery.
Conclusions: 1) prognosis in children with non-bladder/prostate genitourinary sarcomas is favourable despite incomplete primary excision of the neoplasm. 2) chemotherapy and radiotherapy were accompanied by severe but transient myelosupression in the HR group.