Background: In 1995, Aedes aegypti, vector of the Flavivirus Dengue and Yellow Fever, reached the province. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify the vector abundance in order to determine the level of risk and to evaluate the prevention and control actions implemented.
Objectives: To determine the vector abundance breeding place preferences.
Materials and methods: Surveys of Ae. aegypti larva-pupa-infested containers were conducted in six neighborhoods of Córdoba city in order to determine the House, Container, and Breteau Indices.
Results: Larvae and pupae of Ae. aegypti were found in a great variety of containers, most of which had been discarded. The House Index obtained was 47 %, while the percentage of water-holding containers examined that had larva or pupa was 24 %. The Breteau Index was estimated at 106 %.
Conclusions: According to the indices estimated, Córdoba city is in a risk situation if any infected person with any dengue virus enters our city. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify the measures, mainly the sanitary education, vector surveillance and control, in order to prevent any form of dengue in the region.