Mannoprotein components from Candida albicans were investigated for their ability to induce production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) by cultured splenocytes from naive or Candida-infected mice. Two chromatographically separated mannoproteins preparations, designated F1 and F2, were as able as the heat-inactivated Candida cells to induce the production of TNF from splenocytes of naive animals. In addition, they caused a significant augmentation of basic TNF secretion by splenocytes of Candida-infected animals. Experiments using plastic and/or nylon wool adherence, as well as treatments with antibodies depleting T or NK cells, consistently indicated that most if not all TNF was produced by splenic macrophages. In cultures of splenocytes from Candida-infected mice, mannoprotein addition also stimulated interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by Thy 1.2 positive cells. Depletion of these cells or addition of anti-IFN-gamma antibodies abolished IFN production and reduced TNF secretion by adherent cells to the levels found in the cultures of mannoprotein-stimulated spleen cells from naive mice. These data add further evidence to the immunomodulatory properties possessed by some cell wall constituents of the human commensal microorganism C. albicans and suggest that IFN-gamma is endowed with a regulatory role in TNF production by mouse macrophages in vitro.