Her-2/neu protein product was immunocytochemically analyzed in 139 breast cancers. Epidermal growth factor receptors were similarly analyzed in 74 breast cancers from the same patient pool. These results were also separated on the basis of estrogen receptor proteins and of combined aneuploidy with elevated S-phase from flow cytometry. Invasive breast cancer yielded a positive label for Her-2/neu protein (26%) and for epidermal growth factor receptor (25%), with no significant difference. Correlations with estrogen receptor labeling yielded differences significant inversely for both Her-2/neu protein (p less than 0.02) and epidermal growth factor receptor (p less than 0.01). Positive Her-2/neu protein labels correlated with a positive combination of aneuploidy and elevated S-phase (37%) and a negative combination of aneuploidy and elevated S-phase (21%), with a statistically nonsignificant difference. Positive epidermal growth factor receptor cases with aneuploidy and an elevated S-phase (75%) and without aneuploidy and elevated S-phase (42%) did differ with significance at p less than 0.05. There were eight cases positive for both Her-2/neu protein and epidermal growth factor receptor, four of six cases with negative estrogen receptor, four of six cases with negative estrogen receptor, six of six cases aneuploid, and five of six cases with an elevated S-phase. All eight cases had threatening disease--either stage III or stage IV, with one case of extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo). Correlation of negative Her-2/neu protein with negative epidermal growth factor receptor was significant (p less than 0.05) in 74 cases. However, positive Her-2/neu protein did not correlate with positive epidermal growth factor receptor; there was a trend toward inverse correlation. We conclude that epidermal growth factor receptor labeling results show similarities to Her-2/neu protein results, but epidermal growth factor receptor tended to correlate with unfavorable ploidy and S-phase. Epidermal growth factor receptor labeling might be useful in breast cancers with macrocysts reported to show high epidermal growth factor activity.