This study aims to determine the seroprevalence of Hepatitis A among a selected group of Saudi children and thus, identify the best immunization strategy. A school-based seroprevalence study in children 4-18 years of age attending the National Guard schools was done. Of the 25,531 children attending the National Guard schools, 2399 (10%) were randomly selected through a stratified one-stage cluster survey. The overall prevalence of HAV-IgG was 28.9%. The prevalence was almost the same in male and female (28.2% versus 29.5%, respectively). There was a gradual increase in the HAV-IgG with 7% in children (< 8 years), 14% (8-11 years), 30% (12-15 years), and 52% (> 16 years) of age. Since a substantial proportion of this pediatric population confirms a continuing decrease in anti-HAV seroconversion rates, we recommend including Hepatitis A in the schedule of routine childhood vaccinations.