Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed for investigating the role of Gln50 in the engrailed homeodomain-DNA recognition. Employing the crystal structure of free engrailed homeodomain and homeodomain-DNA complex as a starting structure, we carried out MD simulations of: (i) the complex between engrailed homeodomain and a 20 base-pair DNA containing TAATTA core sequence; (ii) the free engrailed homeodomain. The simulations show that homeodomain flexibility does not depend on its ligation state. The engrailed homeodomain shows similar flexibility, and the recognition helix-3 shows very similar characteristic of high rigidity and limited conformational space in two complexation states. At the same time, DNA structure has also no obvious conformational fluctuations. These results preclude the possibility of the side chain of Gln50 forming direct hydrogen bonds to the core DNA bases. MD simulations confirm a few well-conserved sites for water-mediated hydrogen bonds from protein to DNA are occupied by water molecules, and Gln50 interacts with corresponding core DNA bases through water-mediated hydrogen bonds. So Gln50 plays a relatively modest role in determining the affinity and specificity of the engrailed homeodomain. In addition, the electrostatic interaction between homeodomain and phosphate backbone of the DNA is a main factor for N- and C-terminal arm becoming ordered upon DNA binding.