This study was performed to determine profile of toxigenicity of 18 Clostridium difficile strains isolated from paeditric patients suffering from antibiotic associated diarrhea (AAD). Toxigenicity of C. difficile strains was tested for detection toxin A and toxin B by phenotypic methods and for detection of the tcdA and tcdB genes using of PCR. Changes in the repeating regions of the tcdA genes were detected with the NK9/NKV011 primer pairs. For detection of binary toxin (CDT) cdtA and cdtB genes, cdtApos/cdtArev i cdtBpos/cdtBrev two pair primers in PCR was used. Among C. difficile strains was detected three profiles of toxigenicity: C. difficile strains possesing of tcdA and tcdB genes but not possesing cdtA and cdtB genes of binary toxin (A+B+CDT-), strains possesing tcdA and tcdB and cdtA and cdtB genes (A+B+CDT+), strains with deletion of toxin A gene (A-B+CDT-). This is the first report on the occurence of binary positive C. difficile strains isolated from paediatric patients.