Background: Scintimammography using (99m)Tc-labelled isonitriles, sestamibi and tetrofosmin, has become a mature technique in the adjunctive setting for the diagnosis of primary breast cancer. To establish an evidence base for its use, clinically, a meta-analysis was performed on both single-site and multi-centre trials performed since January 1997.
Methods: Using an on-line literature search all such trials containing 100 or more studies were identified. To prevent double counting of patients only the last published report from any centre was used.
Results: A total of 2424 patients were identified in the single-site trial group, the smallest study having 105 patients and the largest 353 patients. The overall sensitivity was 85% and the specificity was 84%. In the multi-centre trial studies, published data from 3049 patients were included. The overall sensitivity in this group was also 85% and the specificity was 83%.
Conclusion: There is evidence that this is a robust imaging technique delivering high sensitivities and specificities in patients studied in both single-centre and multi-centre trials and, as such, can be relied on as an adjunctive method for the investigation of primary breast cancer.