An increased risk of atherosclerotic disease has been reported in patients with diabetes mellitus. The present study was therefore designed to determine forearm blood flow (FBF) in patients with essential hypertension or those with diabetes mellitus with or without hypertension. FBF determined by venous occlusion plethysmography decreased with age in controls as well as in patients with essential hypertension, whereas FBF in diabetics was significantly lower irrespective of age or blood pressure. As a result, vascular resistance was significantly higher in diabetics than in controls or patients with essential hypertension. Glycemic control in normotensive diabetics during 3 weeks significantly augmented a diminished FBF. alpha 1-Blockade by oral administration of 1 mg of prazosin also augmented the diminished FBF in diabetics, in association with a significant decrease in mean blood pressure and vascular resistance. These results suggest that FBF may be a simple and useful index for determining arterial and/or venous distensibility, and that alpha 1-blocker therapy, in addition to glycemic control, may be a first-line antihypertensive treatment for diabetics with associated hypertension.