Interbody fusion after anterior discectomy may lead to acceleration of degenerative changes at adjacent levels. Although the posterior approach preserves the motion segment, decompression of the nerve root is indirect if "hard disc prolaps" is the main cause. Recently, a technique of microsurgical anterior cervical foraminotomy for the treatment of radiculopathy with preservation of the segment mobility was published. In this study, we present this technique with several modifications.Thirteen patients - 5 men and 8 women with an average age of 49 years - with unilateral radiculopathy resistant to conservative treatment underwent microsurgical anterior foraminotomy via a small keyhole transuncal approach. The base of the uncinate process (UP) was directly drilled in the trajectory to the intervertebral foramen without destroying the disc tissue. The vertebral artery between the transverse process was not exposed. Furthermore, the functional anatomy of the uncovertebral joint remained largely intact. All patients experienced complete relief of radiating pain. A cervical collar was not used. Mean follow-up time was 19 months. The mobility of the operated segment was preserved in each patient. No instability of the cervical spine was seen. The microsurgical anterior foraminotomy via a small keyhole transuncal approach is safe, minimally invasive, and represents an effective method to treat unilateral cervical radiculopathy caused by disc prolaps and/or uncovertebral osteophytes. Additionally, the segment mobility is preserved and prevents the acceleration of degenerative changes at adjacent levels.