The morphology of antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) is characterized by the presence of numerous long dendrites. The formation of these processes is shown to require the interaction between the beta1-integrin (CD29) on the surface of the DCs and fibronectin in the extracellular matrix. This interaction occurs at focal contacts formed at the tips of dendrites, which contain high concentrations of the beta1-integrins, actin and the cytoskeletal proteins vinculin, paxillin and talin. Dendrites contain an extensive microtubule (MT) network, and are retracted in the presence of the MT inhibitor colchicine, suggesting that MTs are essential for dendrite stability. The dendritic morphology is shown to contribute directly to an enhanced ability to capture dendritic cell specific ICAM-3 grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN)-coated beads. Time-lapse photography demonstrates that dendrites are highly dynamic structures, with cells extending and retracting multiple dendrites in different directions over a 3-h period. This motility increases the area scanned by an individual DC by over 2-fold. The unusual combination of a dendritic morphology and high motility is likely to play a major role in the efficient function of DCs as sentinels of the immune system.