Undefined Nurmi-type cultures (NTCs) have been used successfully to prevent salmonella colonisation in poultry for decades. Such cultures are derived from the caecal contents of specific-pathogen-free birds and are administered via drinking water or spray application onto eggs in the hatchery. These cultures consist of many non-culturable and obligately anaerobic bacteria. Due to their undefined nature it is difficult to obtain approval from regulatory agencies to use these preparations as direct fed microbials for poultry. In this study, 10 batches of prototype NTCs were produced using an identical protocol over a period of 2 years. Traditional microbiological techniques and a molecular culture-independent methodology, polymerase chain reaction combined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), were applied to characterise these cultures and also to examine if the constituents of the NTCs were identical. Culture-dependent analysis of these cultures included plating on a variety of selective and semi-selective agars, examination of colony morphology, Gram-staining and a series of biochemical tests (API, BioMerieux, France). Two sets of PCR-DGGE studies were performed. These involved the amplification of universal and subsequently lactic acid bacteria (LAB)-specific hypervariable regions of a 16S rRNA gene by PCR. Resultant amplicons were subjected to DGGE. Sequence analysis was performed on subsequent bands present in resultant DGGE profiles using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). Microbiological culturing techniques tended to isolate common probiotic bacterial species from the genera Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Clostridium, Escherichia, Pediococcus and Enterobacterium as well as members of the genera, Actinomyces, Bacteroides, Propionibacterium, Capnocytophaga, Proteus, and Klebsiella. Bacteroides, Enterococcus, Escherichia, Brevibacterium, Klebsiella, Lactobacillus, Clostridium, Bacillus, Eubacterium, Serratia, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Pectobacterium and Pantoea spp. in addition to unculturable bacteria were identified as constituents of the NTCs using universal PCR-DGGE analysis. A number of the sequences detected by LAB-specific PCR-DGGE were homologous to those of a number of Lactobacillus spp., including L. fermentum, L. pontis, L. crispatus, L. salivarius, L. casei, L. suntoryeus, L. vaginalis, L. gasseri, L. aviaries, L. johnsonii, L. acidophilus, and L. mucosae in addition to a range of unculturable lactobacilli. While NTCs are successful due to their complexity, the presence of members of Lactobacillus spp. amongst other probiotic genera, in these samples possibly lends to the success of the NTC cultures as probiotics or competitive exclusion products in poultry over the decades. PCR-DGGE proved to be an effective tool in detecting non-culturable organisms present in these complex undefined cultures. In conclusion, while the culture-dependent identification methods or PCR-DGGE alone cannot comprehensively elucidate the bacterial species present in such complex cultures, their complementarity provides useful information on the identity of the constituents of NTCs and will aid in future development of defined probiotics. Moreover, for the purpose of analysing prototype NTCs during their development, PCR-DGGE overcomes the limitations associated with conventional culturing methods including their low sensitivities, inability to detect unculturable bacteria and unknown species, very slow turnabout time and poor reproducibility. This study demonstrated that PCR-DGGE is indeed more valuable in detecting predominant microbial populations between various NTCs than as an identification methodology, being more applicable as a quality control method used to analyse for batch-to-batch variation during NTC production.