A cosmid library was constructed from a YAC clone (XY311) carrying an insert of 650 kb from the F IX/mcf-2 region on human X chromosome. A contig of 200 kb that includes the mcf-2 gene and the genomic region downstream was assembled. Eighty kb of this contig represents a chromosome fragment already cloned and analyzed in detail with conventional restriction enzymes: comparison with this published map suggests that this region was correctly maintained during the procedure of YAC cloning. A discrepancy between the published map and the cloned YAC material was identified, but it resulted to be an EcoRI polymorphism present in the X3000.11 from which the YAC library was derived. The 3' portion of this contig, representing the telomeric end of the YAC XY311, provides new cosmid material for further analysis of the region downstream of the mcf 2 locus.