Talampanel (IVAX) is a non-competitive AMPA-antagonist has a remarkable neuroprotection in different rodent stroke models. The focal cerebral ischemia in mice was induced by transient (60 min.) MCA occlusion and 48 h reperfusion and treated with talampanel (6 x 2 mg/kg, i.p.). The apoptotic and necrotic cells were analyzed by double immune histochemical staining on confocal laser microscope. The infarct size is decreased significantly by talampanel treatment (from 57.1+/-7.2mm(2) to 18.9+/-2.6 mm(2), p< 0.001). The number of TUNEL-positive cells localized mostly in the border zone of ischemic lesions is significantly decreased after talampanel treatment (from 962+/-13.0 to 604+/-6.9, p < 0.01). A strong, significant reduction of caspase-3 active cells was visualized. Talampanel as a neuroprotective drug candidate has a significant effect in mice transient MCA occlusion model.