The benefits of the Integra Dermal Regeneration Template in the management of extensive burn injuries have been well documented. Integra can reduce donor- and graft-site scarring and has been reported to be capable of vascularizing over small areas of exposed bone and tendon. Given these potential advantages, we have used Integra for a variety of other reconstruction applications. We performed a retrospective review of patients with complex wounds treated with Integra at our burn center. Integra was used in the management of a variety of wounds, including necrotizing fasciitis, extremity degloving injury, meningococcemia, Marjolin ulcer, postburn lip reconstruction, and fourth-degree burns with exposed bone or tendon. Engraftment rates of Integra and autograft were 98% +/- 4% and 97% +/- 4%, respectively. All areas of graft loss healed without need for regrafting. The benefits of Integra in the management of acute burn wounds can be extended to other traumatic and complex wounds.