Equol, an isoflavonoid metabolite produced from the dietary isoflavone daidzein by the gut microflora in mammals, has been found to protect not only against ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced cutaneous inflammation and photoimmune suppression, but also have antiphotocarcinogenic properties in mice. Because the state of DNA damage has been correlated with suppression of the immune system and photocarcinogenesis, we have therefore examined the potential of equol to offer protection from solar-simulated UV (SSUV) radiation-induced DNA damage in hairless mice by the immunohistochemical approach using monoclonal antibody specific for cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs; H3 antibody). Topical application of 20 microM equol lotion, which was applied both before and after SSUV significantly reduced the number of CPDs. This reduction was evident immediately after SSUV exposure, at 1 h after exposure, and at 24 h after exposure, revealing 54%, 50%, and 26% reduction in CPDs, respectively. When the same concentration was applied for 5 consecutive days after SSUV exposure, there was no significant difference in the reduction of CPDs immediately after SSUV irradiation or at 1 hour afterwards, but there were significant reductions of 23% and 42% at 24 and 48 h after SSUV exposure, respectively. Despite apparently reducing the number of CPDs post-SSUV, topically applied equol did not appear to increase the rate of dimer removal. To conclude, equol applied topically prior to SSUV irradiation offers protection against CPD formation in hairless mice, possibly by acting as a suncreen and thus inhibiting DNA photodamage.