Although sporadic adrenal tumors are frequently encountered in the general population their pathogenesis is not well elucidated. The advent of functional genomics/bioinformatics tools enabling large scale comprehensive genome expression profiling should contribute to significant progress in this field. Some studies have already been published describing gene expression profiles of benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors and phaeochromocytomas. Several genes coding for growth factors and their receptors, enzymes involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis, genes related to the regulation of cell cycle, cell proliferation, adhesion and intracellular metabolism have been found to be up- or downregulated in various tumors. Some alterations in gene expression appear so specific for certain tumor types that their application in diagnosis, determination of prognosis and the choice of therapy can be envisaged. In this short review, the authors will present a synopsis of these recent findings that seem to open new perspectives in adrenal tumor pathogenesis, with emphasis on changes in steroidogenic enzyme expression profiles and highlighting possible clinical implications.