The aim of this study was to use environmental monitoring to evaluate occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and biphenyl in an Italian airport. Air was sampled using a quartz fiber filter, a polyurethane foam, and an XAD-2 layer. After extraction with dichloromethane, concentration and purification analyses of 25 PAHs (including biphenyl) were carried out by gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry. In winter 2005, 12 air samples were taken at 120 L/min for 24 hours in three different areas of the airport. PAH levels were found to be generally low. In all investigated areas, the higher levels refer to naphthalene (130-13,050 ng/m), 2-methylnaphthalene (64-28,500 ng/m), 1-methylnaphtalene (24-35,300 ng/m), and biphenyl (24-1610 ng/m). However, in some instances, for compounds such as benzo[b+j+k]fluoranthene and benzo[a]pyrene, two high-boiling PAHs, the levels found (54.2 ng/ m and 8.6 ng/m, respectively) can be considered of some concern.