Glutathione transferases (GSTs) are often upregulated in tumors and have been suggested to play an important role in multiple drug resistance in cancer chemotherapy. As a consequence GST-dependent pro-drugs and inhibitors are being developed. Little is known, however, on the potential role of membrane-bound GSTs in drug resistance despite the fact that detoxication of cytostatic drugs and upregulation in tumors has been demonstrated. Therefore, we have studied the involvement of membrane-bound microsomal GST1 (MGST1) in cellular resistance to anticancer drugs. As a tool we have developed a cell system utilizing MCF7 cells stably overexpressing MGST1. Here, we show for the first time that MGST1 can protect cells from several cytostatic drugs, chlorambucil, melphalan and cisplatin in an acute toxicity test (MTT assay) as well as a long-term colony forming efficiency cytotoxicity test. It is of note that these cells do not overexpress multidrug transporters, a prerequisite for protection with certain other GSTs investigated in this system. The cytostatic drugs used comprise both those that are known/predicted to be substrates as well as non-substrates. Thus, the mechanism most probably entails both direct detoxication and downstream protection of the cells from oxidative stress.