To elucidate the role of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) in cellular signaling, we constructed and expressed a pseudosubstrate of PDK1, designated as deltaAL-PIF, and characterized its properties in cultured cells. deltaAL-PIF consists of two fused proteins of the protein kinase Cdelta (deltaPKC) activation loop (deltaAL) and PDK1-interacting fragment (PIF). The phosphorylation of deltaAL-PIF was detected with anti-deltaPKC phospho-Thr505-specific antibody and was increased in proportion to the expression level of co-expressed GST-PDK1, indicating that it acts as a pseudosubstrate of PDK1. In cells expressing deltaAL-PIF, basal phosphorylation level at the activation loop of PKBalpha, deltaPKC and gammaPKC was reduced, compared with that in control cells, suggesting that deltaAL-PIF functions as an inhibitory molecule for PDK1. deltaAL-PIF affected the stability, translocation and endogenous activity of PKCs. These effects of deltaAL-PIF on gammaPKC properties were confirmed by investigation using conditioned PDK1 knockout cells. Furthermore, apoptosis frequently occurred in cells expressing deltaAL-PIF for 3 days. These findings revealed that deltaAL-PIF served as an effective pseudosubstrate and an inhibitory molecule for PDK1, suggesting that this molecule can be used as a tool for investigating PDK-mediated cellular functions as well as being applicable for anti-cancer therapy.