Hyperargininemia is a urea cycle disorder caused by mutations in the gene for arginase I (AI) resulting in elevated blood arginine and ammonia levels. Sodium phenylacetate and a precursor, sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) have been used to lower ammonia, conjugating glutamine to produce phenylacetylglutamine which is excreted in urine. The elevated arginine levels induce the second arginase (AII) in patient kidney and kidney tissue culture. It has been shown that NaPB increases expression of some target genes and we tested its effect on arginase induction. Eight 9-week old male mice fed on chow containing 7.5 g NaPB/kg rodent chow and drank water with 10 g NaPB/L, and four control mice had a normal diet. After one week all mice were sacrificed. The arginase specific activities for control and NaPB mice, respectively, were 38.2 and 59.4 U/mg in liver, 0.33 and 0.42 U/mg in kidney, and 0.29 and 1.19 U/mg in brain. Immunoprecipitation of arginase in each tissue with AI and AII antibodies showed the activity induced by NaPB is mostly AI. AII may also be induced in kidney. AI accounts for the fourfold increased activity in brain. In some cell lines, NaPB increased arginase activity up to fivefold depending on dose (1-5 mM) and exposure time (2-5 days); control and NaPB activities, respectively, are: erythroleukemia, HEL, 0.06 and 0.31 U/mg, and K562, 0.46 and 1.74 U/mg; embryonic kidney, HEK293, 1.98 and 3.58 U/mg; breast adenocarcinoma, MDA-MB-468, 1.11 and 4.06 U/mg; and prostate adenocarcinoma, PC-3, 0.55 and 3.20 U/mg. In MDA-MB-468 and HEK most, but not all, of the induced activity is AI. These studies suggest that NaPB may induce AI when used to treat urea cycle disorders. It is relatively less useful in AI deficiency, although it could have some effect in those patients with missense mutations.