The aim of our work was to quantify the influence of white matter anisotropic conductivity information on electroencephalography (EEG) source reconstruction. We performed this quantification in a rabbit head using both simulations and source localization based on invasive measurements. In vivo anisotropic (tensorial) conductivity information was obtained from magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging and included into a high-resolution finite-element model. When neglecting anisotropy in the simulations, we found a shift in source location of up to 1.3 mm with a mean value of 0.3 mm. The averaged orientational deviation was 10 degree and the mean magnitude error of the dipole was 29%. Source localization of the first cortical components after median and tibial nerve stimulation resulted in anatomically verified dipole positions with no significant anisotropy effect. Our results indicate that the expected average source localization error due to anisotropic white matter conductivity is within the principal accuracy limits of current inverse procedures. However, larger localization errors might occur in certain cases. In contrast, dipole orientation and dipole strength are influenced significantly by the anisotropy. We conclude that the inclusion of tissue anisotropy information improves source estimation procedures.